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Methodological recommendations
for Summative Assessment
Grade 7

Methodological recommendations for Summative Assessment are designed to assist teachers in planning, organizing and carrying out Summative Assessment in “English” for the Grade 7 learners. Methodological recommendations are aligned with the Subject Programme and Course plan. Summative Assessment in Grade 7 is conducted in Terms 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Summative Assessment Tasks for unit/cross curricular unit will allow teachers to determine the level of the learning objectives achievement planned for the term. Methodological recommendations comprise tasks, assessment criteria with descriptors and marks for conducting Summative Assessment across the unit/cross curricular unit. Also this document includes possible levels of the learners’ academic achievement (rubrics). Tasks with descriptors and marks can be considered as recommendations.
Methodological recommendations are designed for secondary school teachers, school administrations, educational departments’ seniors, regional and school coordinators in criteria-based assessment and others.

TERM 1.........................................................................................................................................4 SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT TASKS......................................................................................4 Summative Assessment for the unit “Hobbies and Leisure”........................................................4 Summative Assessment for the unit “Communication and Technology”.....................................7 TERM 2.......................................................................................................................................11 SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT TASKS....................................................................................11 Summative Assessment for the unit “Holidays and Travel”.......................................................11 Summative Assessment for the unit “Space and Earth”.............................................................15 TERM 3.......................................................................................................................................19 SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT TASKS....................................................................................19 Summative Assessment for the unit “Entertainment and Media”...............................................19 Summative Assessment for the unit“Natural Disasters”.............................................................22 TERM 4.......................................................................................................................................26 SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT TASKS....................................................................................26 Summative Assessment for the unit “Healthy Habits”...............................................................26 Summative Assessment for the unit “Clothes and Fashion”.......................................................30


Summative assessment for the unit “Hobbies and Leisure”
Learning objective
7. L1 Understand with little support the main points in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics
7. W8 Spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a growing range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics 7. W6 Link with little or no support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using a variety of basic connectors on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics
Assessment criteria
Level of thinking skills
• Identify the main idea in extended talks
• Write topic related words correctly
• Connect sentences into paragraphs with basic connectors and
linking words with some support
Knowledge and comprehension
20 minutes
Task1. Listen to two people talking about their free time. Are the sentences True or False? You will listen to the recording twice. CD2. Tapescript 1.
Example: Jack likes rock music. True
1. Jack does not love watching sport. _______ 2. Jack loves horror films. _______ 3. Jack sees his sister every week. _______ 4. Jenny likes Chinese food and Jack loves Mexican food. _______ 5. Jenny loves soap operas. _______ 6. Jenny likes flying. _______
Task 2. Write sentences about your hobby. You should write full sentences. Use some connectors and linking words but, and, because, when, while, etc. Include the following information:
Example: I like s kiing because it is a he althy activity.
What your hobby is?
________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
When and who you usually do it with?
________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
Why you like doing it?
________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________


Is your hobby popular among teenagers?
________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
Assessment criteria Task
A learner
Identify the main idea writes False; 1
in extended talks. writes True; 1
writes False; 1
writes False; 1
writes True; 1
writes False; 1
Write topic related gives full answer to the questions , using linking 1
words correctly. words and basic connectors;
Connect sentences into wr itesgrammatically corr ect sentences; 1
paragraphs with basic 2 spells the words correctly; 1
connectors and linking
writes a coherent paragraph. 1
words with some
Total marks 10


Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment for the unit “Hobbies and Leisure”
L earner’s name ________________________
Level of learning achievements
Assessment criteria
Identify main idea in extended talks
Experiences ch allenges in i dentifying Experiences difficulties in identifying
the main i dea in ex tended talk and
the main idea in extended talk. Makes
marking sentences for True and False mistakes in marking sentences for True
and False statements while listening.
High Confidently identifies the main idea in extended talk. Mark sentences True and False correctly.
Write topic related
words correctly. answers, in using linking words and Connect sentences into basic connectors, and in spelling paragraphs with basic topic related vocabulary. Writes connectors and linking paragraphs with insufficient words with some support grammar accuracy.
Experiences di fficulties i n g iving f ull Makes mis takes in g iving f ull answers
in using linking words and basic connectors, and in spelling topic related vocabulary. Writes coherent paragraphs with some g rammar mistakes.
Feels confidence in giving full answers, in using linking words and basic connectors, and in spelling to pic r elated vocabulary. Writes coherent paragraphs with grammar accuracy.


Summative assessment for the unit “Communication and Technology”
Learning objective
7.R2 Understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
7.S2 Ask complex questions to get information about a limited range of general topics and some curricular topics
7.S7 Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a growing range of general topics, and some curricular topics
Assessment criteria
• •

Realise particular facts and details in reading passage; Make up complex interrogative sentences to get information about the topic
Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences
Level of thinking skills
Knowledge and comprehension Application
20 minutes
Task 1. Read the text and complete the task.
Kate and the Internet
Kate's first class starts at eight o’clock in the morning and it is 1.30a.m now. The only sound that you can hear in Kate's small room is the clicking of a computer keyboard. Her mum does no longer know what to do. Every day, it’s the same. “Kate does no longer pay attention to her studies or to the report she has to present next week. She ignores all types of homework. Her mother says: “She cares only about the conversations she carries on with people from all over the world without caring about her grades or her friends in real life”.
The Internet access in American households increases, that’s why the number of teenagers who spend a long time of their lives online, has increased too. Psychologists say: “Look out! An increasing number of teens is going into a new form of addiction”. In an interview Kate declared: “I'm destroying my future and I am becoming isolated from the society,” “I failed English last year... I didn’t care about my studies but at least, I feel free. In fact, I can talk to others about any topic without being afraid of the consequences”.


Match parts of sentences in column (A) with parts of sentences in column (B). Write the answers in column (C).
Example: 0.The only sound that you can hear in Kate's small room
d) is the clicking of a computer keyboard.0-d
1. Kate spends a long time online,
a) a big number of teenagers have become addicted to the net.
2. Psychologists think that
b) is just one consequence of this type of addiction.
3. Isolation from society
c) and she doesn’t care about her school results.
Task 2. Read the examples and make up your own questions . Ask and answer them. Assess each other according to the Assessment sheet.
Learners work in pairs. Firstly, one learner answers the questions the second learner assesses him/her on the criteria then they swap the roles. Teacher decides and includes in the Assessment sheet what vocabulary will be checked in this speaking task.
1. What piece of technology can’t you live without? Why?
2. How often do you watch TV? Explain your answer.
3. What’s your favourite gadget to communicate with friends? Explain your answer.
Possible answers:
1. I can’t live without a cell phone because of its practical use.
2. I watch TV only at weekends, because I don’t have much time.
3. I’m fond of a cell phone and the reason is that it connects me to the world.
Name____________________________ Date_____________________________
Assessment sheet
Learner uses at least 5 words on “Communication and Technology”.
Learner speaks without long stoppings. Learner asks at least 5 questions.
Learner answers at least 5 questions. Learner gives advice for future improvements.


Assessment criteria Realise particular facts and details in reading passage
Make up complex interrogative sentences to get information about the topic.
Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences
A learner
writes 1-с;
writes 2-a;
writes 3-b;
uses at least 5 words on “Communication and Technology”;
speaks without long stoppings;
asks at least 5 questions;
answers at least 5 questions;
gives advice for future improvements.
Mark 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
Total marks


Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment for the unit “Communication and Technology”
Learner’s name ________________________
Assessment c riteria
Realise particular facts and details in reading passage
Experiences great difficulties in realizing p articular f acts and p arts in reading passage. Completes the task with many mistakes.
Make up complex interrogative sentences to get information about the topic.
Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well- formed sentences
Demonstrates limited choice of topical vocabulary in asking and answering the questions. Speaks making long pauses that makes utterances not understandable.
Level of learning achievements
Makes m istakes i n identifying f acts and parts in matching ex ercise. Completes the task with some mistakes.
Feels con fidence in identifying facts an d p arts in the reading passage. Completes the task correctly.
Demonstrates a good choice of topical vocabulary in asking and answering the questions. Speaks making pauses that do not interfere with understanding.
Demonstrates a wide choice of topical vocabulary in asking and answering the questions. Speaks with natural pauses and makes a clear speech.


Summative assessment for the unit “Holidays and Travel”
Learning objective
7.L5 Recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics 7.W7 Use with minimal support appropriate layout at text level for a growing range of written genres on familiar general and curricular topics
Assessment сriteria

Identify the position of speakers in an extended talk with some support
Write a text keeping the layout and format of a given genre with a little support
Level of thinking skills
Knowledge and comprehension Application
20 minutes
Task 1. Listen to the conversation twice and answer the questions. CD2. Tapescript 2.
Go to the fo llowing lin k t o lis ten to the information: http://www.esl-lab.com/flight/flightrd1.htm
1. What this talk is about?
2. How many people are in a talk? 3. What p references d o a caller r equest?
Task 2. Choose the right answer A, B, C or D.
Example:0.What date is flight reservation going to be?
A) 21
B) 22
C) 23
D) 24
1. What is the man's destination?
A) Salt Lake City, USA
B) New York City, USA
C) Helsinki, Finland
D) Stockholm, Sweden
2. When is the man's departure date?
A) the twenty-first
B) the twenty-second
C) the twenty-third
D) the twenty-fourth


3. What is the flight number for the second half of his journey?
A) 555
B) 90
C) 1070
D) 830
4. How long is the man's layover between flights?
A) less than an hour
B) less than two hours
C) less than three hours
D) more than three hours
5. What request did the man make regarding his flight?
A) He asked for a specially-prepared dinner.
B) He wanted an aisle seat.
C) He requested a bassinet for his baby.
D) He asked for a seat near the front of the plane.
Task 3. Write a postcard to a friend. You may answer the questions while you are writing.
Teacher should print both examples of handouts for each learner.
• • • • • • • •
Who will you write to? Where are you?
Are you having a good time? Where are you staying? What is the place like? What are the people like? What did you do yesterday? What are you doing tomorrow?
Example of the postcard
Sample sheet for Postcard


Assessment criteria Identify the position of speakers in an extended talk with some support
Write a text keeping the layout and format of a given genre with little support
A learner
answers for the 1st question answers for the 2nd question answers for the 3rd question chooses 1-C;
chooses 2-B;
chooses 3-B;
chooses 4-B;
chooses 5-A;
writes with structure which is logically organized;
spells the words correctly; writes with grammar accuracy; uses topic related vocabulary correctly
Mark 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1
Total marks


Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment for the unit “Holidays and Travel”
Learner’s name ________________________
Assessment criteria
Identify the position of speakers in an extended talk with some support
Experiences challenges in identifying the position of speakers.
Write a text keeping the layout and format of a given genre with a little support
Experiences challenges in writing the postcard about holidays with some support on the example. Answers with limited vocabulary and incorrect structure. Misuses tenses and spells the topical words incorrectly.
Level of learning achievements
Makes mistakes in identifying the right answers to the questions in the talk.
Confidently identifies the right answers to the questions in the talk.
Makes mistakes in writing the postcard about holidays with some support on the example.
Answers with a good choice of vocabulary and structure. Uses some tenses and spells some topical words incorrectly.
Feels confidence in writing the postcard about holidays with some support on the example. Answers with a wide choice of vocabulary and an appropriate structure. Correctly uses tenses and spells topical words accurately.


Summative assessment for the unit “Space and Earth”
Learning objective
7.R5 Deduce meaning from context in short texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics
7.R7 Recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a range of written genres
7.S3 Give an opinion at discourse level on a growing range of general and curricular topics
7.S6 Begin to link comments with some flexibility to what others say at sentence and discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges
Assessment criteria
• •
• •
Identify the meaning and details of the reading texts Identify the correct form of a word, appropriate sentence structure and text layout
Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions Interact in a pair, group and a whole class work presenting logically connected information with ideas of other people
Level of thinking skills
Knowledge and comprehension Application
Higher order thinking skills
20 minutes
Task 1. Read the text and answer the questions.
Example:0.Is Pluto no longer a planet? Yes, It is
Is Pluto a Planet?
‘Dwarf’ is a very little star
Many people are saying that Pluto is no longer a planet. National Geographic News says that, according to the International Astronomical Union, a full planet is an object that orbits the sun and is large enough to have become round due to the force of its own gravity. Because Pluto doesn't meet these standards, the International Astronomical Union classifies Pluto as a dwarf planet. Not everyone agrees that this is a good way to decide, though. Andy Cheng, a planetary scientist at Johns Hopkins University, says that the new rules aren't clear enough and asks the question “how round is round?” “...I'll still continue to maintain that Pluto is a planet," he said.
Owen Gingerich is an astronomer and historian at Harvard University in Cambridge . He favored a special distinction for Pluto. Gingerich supported a proposal to call the big eight planets classical planets—as opposed to just plain "planets"—and Pluto and the others dwarf planets, so there would be two classes of planets. He believes that reclassifying Pluto as a dwarf planet is not "sensitive to the historical and cultural role that Pluto has played." The argument continues. What do you think it is?


1. What planet is a full planet?
__________________________________________________________________ 2. Is Pluto the only dwarf planet?
__________________________________________________________________ 3. How many classes of planets are according to the astronomer?
Task 2. Connect numbers and letters and find the right pictures.
A. It is the largest object you can see in the night sky.
B. A small, frozen mass of dust and gas revolving around the sun.
C. They are holes made when a large moving rock hit the moon.


Assessment criteria Identify the correct form of a word, appropriate sentence structure and text layout. Identify the meaning and details of the reading texts.
A learner
writes ‘A full planet is an object
that orbits the sun and is large
enough to have become round due 1
to the force of its own gravity’.
writes ‘No, it is not’;
writes ‘There are two classes of
chooses 1 B-c;
2 chooses 2 C-a;
chooses 3 A-b;
answers the questions;
participates in the discussion;
information 1 Answer can
be shorter.
1 1
Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions. Interact in a pair, group and a whole class work presenting logically connected information with ideas of other people.
Total marks
1 1 1 1 1
presents logically connected information.


Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment for the unit “Space and Earth”
Learner’s name ________________________
Assessment criteria
Identify the meaning and details of Experiences di fficulties i n identifying the reading texts. the meaning and details of the reading Identify the correct form of a text. Answers most of the questions word, appropriate sentence and matches many words with the structure and text layout definitions incorrectly.
Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions. Interact in a pair, group and a whole class work presenting logically connected information with ideas of other people
Experiences difficulties in answering the questions. Feels troubles to participate in a group discussion. Presents illogically connected information.
Level of learning achievements
Makes mistakes in identifying the meaning and details of the reading text. Makes mistakes in answering questions ‘A full planet is an object that orbits the sun and is large enough to have become round due to the force of its own gravity’./ ‘No, it is not’./ ‘There are two classes of planets’ and in matching words with their definitions.
Confidently identifies the meaning and details of the reading passage and matches words with the definitions correctly. Answers questions appropriately according to the text.
Makes mistakes in answering the questions. Participates in a group discussion. Presents some connected information.
Confidently answers the questions. Participates in a group discussion actively. Presents logically connected information.


Summative assessment for the unit “Entertainment and Media”
Learning objective
7.L2 Understand with little support most specific information in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics 7.W3 Write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics
7.W4 Use with some support style and register appropriate to a limited variety of written genres on general and curricular topics
Assessment criteria
• •

Identify facts and details in extended talks with little support Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences on familiar topics
Write a text keeping appropriate format and plan of a given genre
Level of thinking skills
Knowledge and comprehension Application
20 minutes
Task 1. Listen to the tape and circle the right answer. You will listen twice. CD2. Tapescript3.
1. Where does the young girl want to go with her father?
A)to the park
B) to the movies
C) to the swimming pool
D) to the gymnasium
2. Who are they going with?
A) the girl's mother
B) the girl's best friend
C) the girl's older brother
D)the girl’s cousin
Continue listening to fill the table in.
3. The r ight time th ey mo st likely to le ave
4. Activity th e girl wants to d o la ter
5. Activity the father suggests them do at the end of the day


Task 2. Write a short newspaper note on the topic “Family entertainment” using about 70-80 words. Look at the pictures below and find some ideas for your writing. In the provided box you will find some phrases for organization of your note.
Useful vocabulary: often, once a week, usually, seldom, never,
to show how to …, set a good example, teach proper behavior, help, to overcome difficulties, understand, communicate, collaborate, socialize.
What do you do together with your family?
Why does work together make family stronger?
________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
Play computer games
Go to the amusement park
Spend time s ocializing
Watch and discuss films
Participate in sport together
Read and discuss books
Assessment criteria Identify facts and details in extended talks with little support.
Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences on familiar topics.
Write a text keeping appropriate format and plan of a given genre.
A learner
writes B
writes A
writes ‘2:00 PM’
writes ‘to go to the beach’
writes ‘to go/go to a restaurant’ chooses words that will make the writing clear and interesting to the reader; uses strong verbs, sensory words, and precise nouns in places that help create a picture;
provides grammatically correct sentences; writes with a structure that fits the purpose;
Mark 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1
Total marks


Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment for the unit “Entertainment and Media”
Learner’s name ________________________
Identify facts and details in Experiences challenges in identifying facts extended talks with little and details of conversation while support listening. Answers most of the questions
Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences on familiar topics. Write a text keeping appropriate format and plan of a given genre
Experiences challenges in choosing words that he lp cr eate a note. Writes w ith insufficient grammar accuracy. Structure of writing is inappropriate.
Level of learning achievements
Makes mistakes in answering the questions and filling in the table with appropriate words. ‘2:00 PM’/ ‘to go to the beach’/‘to go/go to a restaurant’
Confidently identifies the facts and details of the conversation. Completes the task correctly.
Feels some troubles in choosing words that help c reate a not e. W rites w ith some grammar a ccuracy. S tructure of writing is u nclear.
Confidently chooses words that help cr eate a note. Writes w ith grammar a ccuracy. Structure of writing is a ppropriate.


Summative assessment for the unit “Natural Disasters”
Learning objective
7.R2 Understand specific information and details in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
7.S5 Keep interaction with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks
Assessment criteria
• •
Identify particular facts and parts in reading passage Support a talk with peers while agree, disagree and discuss the order of actions and plans to fulfill the tasks
Level of thinking skills
Knowledge and comprehension Higher order thinking skills 20 minutes
Task 1. Read t he text an d m ark t he sentences True or False.
Haiti i n Ruins After H uge Earthquake
Television pictures are slowly beginning to show how great the damage is in Haiti following the huge earthquake on Tuesday. A magnitude 7.3 quake, just 16km from the capital, hit the Caribbean nation as people were going home after work. Much of the country has been devastated. Many major buildings in the capital Port-au-Prince have collapsed, including the Presidential Palace and the UN headquarters. Haiti's President Rene Preval described the scene in the capital as "unimaginable". The Red Cross says up to 3 million people have been affected. Mr. Preval fears "well over 100,000 people" may have died.
Haiti's ambassador to the USA, Raymond Joseph, said there was "no way of estimating" how many casualties there were. Countries around the world are acting quickly to send whatever help they can to Haiti. Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world. More than half of its people live below the poverty line on less than two dollars a day. It is one of the poorest-equipped countries on Earth to deal with such a catastrophe. The nation was still trying to recover from being hit by four deadly hurricanes in 30 days in 2008. Its economy is in ruins and it has a long history of corruption and coups.
Example: The earthquake that hit Haiti was a magnitude 16 in strength. False
1. Most Haitians were having their breakfast when the earthquake hit. _______ 2. The President’s palace was in ruins after the earthquake. _______ 3. The article says Haiti’s president believes 3 million people are suffering. _______ 4. Haiti’s ambassador to the US has a good idea of casualty figures. _______ 5. Most Haitians are so poor they live on less than two dollars a day. _______ 6. Haiti was hit by four different hurricanes in 2008. _______


Task 2. Choose the question and be ready to answer it after the teacher starts the conversation. You should add your ideas to the class discussion.
Teacher organizes a Socratic seminar which helps teacher to assess learners while they are speaking on the topic ‘Natural Disasters’. Learners are sitting in a circle and answering the question which teacher prepared and cut down beforehand.
These are some rules to this task:
1. Ask questions if you do not understand what someone has said 2. You do not need to raise your hand to speak.
3. Pay attention to your “airtime”.
4. Don’t interrupt.
5. Don’t put down the ideas of another learner.
Example: What are the safety rules for an earthquake emergency?
Learner’spossible answer:
Don’t panic.Get under a table or a desk. Check for injuries.Call emergency services to get help for injured persons. Leave the room. Exit the building.Once outside, move to the evacuation assembly point. Wait for further instructions.
Assessment Sheet
Learner uses at least 5 words on ‘Natural Disasters’ topic. Learner gives a full answer to the question from the card. Learner asks at least 2 questions.
Learner answers at least 2peers’ questions.


Assessment criteria Identify particular facts and parts in reading passage
Support a talk with peers while agree, disagree and discuss the order of actions and plans to fulfill the tasks
A learner
1 writes ‘False’;
writes ‘True’;
writes ‘False’;
writes ‘False’;
writes ‘True’;
writes ‘True’.
2 uses at least 5 words on ‘Natural Disasters’
gives a full answer to the question from the
asks at least 2 questions.
answers at least 2 peers’ questions.
Mark 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Total marks
1 1 10


Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment for the unit “Natural Disasters”
Learner’s name ________________________
Assessment criteria
Identify particular facts and parts in the reading passage
Experiences cha llenges i n identifying particular f acts an d parts in t he reading passage for True and False .
Support a talk with peers Experiences challenges in demonstrating while agree, disagree and rich and vivid vocabulary in talking about discuss the order of actions the topic. Experiences difficulties in and plans to fulfill the answering the questions. Feels troubles to tasks participate in a group discussion.
Level of learning achievements
Middle Makes mistakes in identifying particular facts and parts in the reading passage for True and False statements.
High Confidently identifies particular facts and parts in the reading passage. Completes the task correctly.
Makes mistakes in using rich Confidently demonstrates rich and and vivid vocabulary in talking vivid vocabulary in talking about about the topic. Makes mistakes the topic. Confidently answers the in answering the questions using questions. Participates in a group some creativity. discussion actively.
Participates in a group


SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT TASKS Summative assessment for the unit “Healthy Habits”
Learning objective
7.L6 Deduce meaning from context with little support in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics 7.W5 Develop with some support coherent arguments supported when necessary by examples and reasons for a limited range of written genres in familiar general and curricular topics 7.W9 Punctuate written work at text level on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics with some accuracy
Assessment criteria

Figure out the content of a conversation with some support in extended talk
Evolve arguments, reasons, and evidence for a limited range of written genres
Use punctuation marks in a piece of writing
Level of thinking skills
Higher order thinking skills 20 minutes
Task 1. Listen to the conversation and fill in the gaps. Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. CD2. Tapescript4.
Go to the following link to listen to the information: http://www.listenaminute.com/h/health.html
I never used 0. to worry about my health until recently. When I was a kid, I did loads of 1______________. Even in my twenties and thirties I was very fit and never ill. I have been lucky all my life – always in the best of 2___________ . I rarely get even 3__________ . I suppose time catches up with you. Now I seem to be getting lots of little 4____________________ . I should go to the doctor for a health check, but I’m too busy. The older you get, the more you worry about your health. One good thing is that I’m eating more 5_______________now than ever before. I no longer have fast food and 6________________. I also sleep a lot more. I’ve read that getting seven or eight hours sleep every night is one of the best things you can do for your health.


Pre - writing activity.
Part 1. Look at some healthy habits pictures and brainstorm your ideas.
Part 2. Write down about 4 healthy habits you know:
Introduction: what healthy habits you know and what the most important are
______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
Main body:
_________________ is good for your____________________ Example ___________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________makes better_______________________________________ Example ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _________________ improves and you feel ___________________________Example ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ __________________ is good for your ___________________ Example ___________ ______________________________________________________________________
Conclusion: give your own opinion why healthy habits are important in a human life. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________


Assessment criteria Figure out the content of a conversation with some support in extended talk.
A learner
Evolve arguments, reasons, and evidence for a limited range of written genres.
Use punctuation marks in a piece of writing.
Total marks
writes ‘exercise’; writes ‘health’;
Mark 1 1
writes ‘a cold’;
writes ‘aches and pains’;
writes ‘healthily’; writes ‘midnight snacks’;
1 1
supports arguments/ main idea with example and/or reasons;
writes grammatically corrrect sentences;
orders paragraphs to support development of ideas;
punctuates written work.
1 10


Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment for the unit “Healthy Habits”
Learner’s name ________________________
Level of learning achievements
Assessment criteria
Figure out the content of a Experiences challenges in conversation with some identifying the content of the support in extended talk conversation. Feels great troubles
in filling in the gaps correctly.
Makes mistakes in identifying the content Confidently identifies the content of of the conversation. Feels troubles in filling the conversation. Fills in the gaps in the gaps correctly correctly.
1.‘exercise’/ 2. ‘health’/ 3.‘a cold’/
4.‘aches and pains’/ 5. ‘healthily’/
6. ‘midnight snacks’.
Evolve arguments, reasons, Experiences challenges in writing Makes mistakes in writing supported Confidently writes supported and evidence for a limited supported arguments with use of arguments with evidence and examples. arguments with evidence and range of written genres. Use evidence and examples. The The written paragraph is understandable for examples. The main idea of the written punctuation marks in a paragraphs are organized the reader. work is clear. Writes a well-organized piece o f w riting inappropriately. Feels troubles in writing a well- organised paragraph. Uses proper punctuation
Feels great troubles in using proper paragraph using proper punctuation marks. marks.
punctuation marks.


Summative assessment for the unit “Clothes and Fashion”
Learning objective
7.R8 Use familiar and some unfamiliar paper and digital reference resources with little support to check meaning and extend understanding
7.S7 Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a growing range of general topics, and some curricular topics
Assessment criteria

Demonstrate the ability to use a dictionary or digital methods to trace meaning and extend vocabulary
Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences
Level of thinking skills
20 minutes
Task 1. Read the definitions below. Find the proper word in the text and insert it into the table. Look up the words in the dictionary and check the answers.
Learners should use dictionaries or digital on-line tools to check the correctness of the answers.
Example: 0.The place where learners study. The school
Hi! I’m Jeannie and I’m 13 years old. I go to school in our town.
At school we always wear a uniform. Girls wear white shirts, blue skirts and red sweaters with the school emblem. Boys wear white shirts with blue ties and blue trousers. Their sweaters are red, too. All of our shoes are black. We don’t like our school uniform. After school my first thing to do is putting off my uniform. I hate skirts and dresses! I like wearing casual clothes. I often go skateboarding, so my favourite pieces of clothes are very comfortable. I like trousers, jeans, shorts, T-shirts, jackets, trainers and I have lots of baseball caps. I never wear dresses and skirts when I’m not at school. Mum says that I should wear girlish clothes, but they are uncomfortable for me!
1. Remaining the same in all cases and at all times; unchanging in form or character. 2. Behaves, looks, or sounds like a young girl. 3. Relaxed an d u sed every day/informal s tyle. 4. A thing serving as a symbol of a particular
nation or organization .
5. A part of something.
6. Physically r elaxed an d free.


Task 2. Choose the question and be ready to answer it after the teacher starts the conversation. You should add your ideas to the class discussion.
Teacher organizes a Socratic seminar which helps teacher to assess learners while they are speaking on the topic “Clothes and Fashion” . Learners are sitting in a circle and answering the question which teacher prepared and cut down beforehand.
These are some rules to this task:
1. Ask questions if you do not understand what someone has said 2. You do not need to raise your hands to speak.
3. Pay attention to your “airtime”.
4. Don’t interrupt.
5. Don’t put down the ideas of another learner.
Example: What kinds of clothes are in fashion now?
Learner’s possible answer: I am not a modern person and I do not trace fashion and clothes. I think my personal style is casual.
Assessment Sheet
Learner uses at least 5 words on ‘Clothes and Fashion’ topic. Learner gives a full answer to the question from the card. Learner asks at least 2 questions.
Learner answers at least 2 peers’ questions.


Assessment criteria Demonstrate the ability to use a dictionary or digital methods to trace meaning and extend vocabulary.
Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences.
A learner
writes ‘uniform’
writes ‘girlish’
1 writes ‘casual’
writes ‘emblem’
writes ‘piece’
writes ‘comfortable’
uses at least 5 words on ‘Clothes and
Fashion’ topic;
gives a full answer to the question from the
asks at least 2 questions.
answers at least 2 peers’ questions.
Mark 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Total marks
1 1 10


Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment for the unit “Clothes and Fashion”
Learner’s name ________________________
Assessment criteria
Demonstrate the ability to use a dictionary or digital methods to trace meaning and extend vocabulary
Experiences ch allenges in m atching a definition with a proper word. Makes many mistakes in a nswers w hile checking the words in a dictionary.
Level of learning achievements
Middle High
Have troubles in matching a definition Confidently matches a definition with a proper word. Makes mistakes in with a proper word. Makes few answers 1. uniform/ 2. girlish mistakes in answers while checking /3.casual/ 4. emblem/ 5. piece/ 6. the words in a dictionary. comfortable while checking the words
in a dictionary.
Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences
Experiences challenges in demonstrating Makes mistakes in using rich and
rich and vivid vocabulary in talking about the topic. Experiences difficulties in answering the questions. Feels troubles in participating in a group discussion.
vivid vocabulary in talking about the topic. M akes m istakes in an swering the questions. Participates in a group discussion.
Confidently demonstrates rich and vivid vocabulary in talking about the topic. Confidently answers the questions. Participates in a group discussion actively.